Wednesday 11 November 2015

Literature search tips: Yale MeSH Analyzer for ninja systematic review librarians

This week's literature search tip comes from our Clinical Librarian, Sarah Sutton:

Yale have created a MeSH Analyzer, which allows you to design and refine searches. It shows you how key articles are indexed by retrieving the article metadata and presenting it in an easy-to-read grid.

To use the tool, paste up to 20 PubMed identifier/PMIDs into the text box and click on, "Go". MeSH Analyzer will retrieve the article data from PubMed and present it in a grid in either HTML or Excel. 

There are options to customise the tool and you can also do the analysis in one step by installing a browser on your toolbar.

This tool is great for finding MeSH terms, term variants and give you an insight into why some articles are retrieved and others are not.

We hope you like today's tip! Stay tuned for more and please do share your thoughts in the comments field below or on our Twitter page and catch up on our previous literature search tips here.

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